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Writer's pictureShelby Pietersen

Frequently Asked Questions about Overberg Arborists’ Tree Service

Can I have my milkwood tree pruned?

Short answer, yes! Many people believe it is illegal to prune Milkwood trees (Sideroxylon inerme) or other endangered tree species in South Africa. Fortunately, this is false. According to the Overstrand municipality, it is perfectly legal (and encouraged) for homeowners to prune their Milkwood trees as long as no more than 25% of the canopy is removed. If more than 25% needs to be removed, Overberg Arborists will apply for the relevant permit. It is essential to prune your indigenous trees to ensure they remain healthy.

How much can I expect tree work to cost?

This all depends on what kind of care your trees need. Overberg Arborists work out every quote according to a risk evaluation system and the estimated hours each tree will take. Our residential prices range from R950-R1750 per hour depending on the risk factor. If you are located outside of Napier, we include a travel cost of R400 per hour travelled.

Are you insured?

Yes. Overberg Arborists is fully insured by Outsurance. The best kind of insurance for arborists in South Africa is public liability insurance which covers arborists for any damage to the client’s property. This means that if anything happens to your property while Overberg Arborists is on the job, it will be fully covered. Fortunately, we are proud to say that, to date, we have a 100% damage-free record - your property is in good hands.

Do you need a permit to work on endangered tree species?

In most cases, you will not need a permit to work on endangered trees. In the Overberg and Overstrand area, homeowners only need a permit to have tree work done on endangered trees if they are planning to remove more than 25% of the canopy. This is unlikely when pruning as removing more than 30% of the foliage of a tree can be detrimental to the health of the tree.

What if my tree is hanging over an Eskom power line?

Not a problem. If the tree that is overhanging an Eskom power line is an extremely high risk, Overberg Arborists will contact Eskom and arrange for a permit to legally and safely work on the trees and for the electricity in the power line to be temporarily disrupted. Eskom has been speedy in responding to our requests and working with us on past projects.

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The OA Team



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